Saturday, 12 May 2012

Polska 2 - Dream Audit

February 2012.
Early flight to Krakow avec Mr Metcalf. Following the long drive to Sandomierz it was too late to go out on site thus we went straight to the hotel and out for a run. Fuck me sideways it was cold. Such a sunny day yet flipping freezing. That run nearly finished me off!!

Tuesday and Wednesday out on site doing the old work. Nothing eventful ecept the bit where I got caught dancing to David Guettas Titanium by the Polish FC. Pow Pow Pow; finger pointing and all. Unlucky...

Wednesday evening; following our successful completion of work, we had a few drinks. I couldn't face the honey codka, the mere smell of it made me want to be sick following the previous visit to Sandomierz.

Thursday morning; up and out for a run before breakfast and the drive to Krakow. On arrival in Krakow, we had the team meeting and Robs 14, yes 14 slides of record retention. KILL ME NOW. God that was dull.

Now, playtime. Had a walk upto the castle and had a beer overlooking the Square and Basilik. Krakow has an amazing Square. And we heard the trumpeter from the Basilik. This is famous but I'm not entirely sure why. Then found this uber cool Mexican which did good mojitos <3

Per Wikipedia 'On every hour, a trumpet signal—called the Hejnał mariacki—is played from the top of the taller of St. Mary's two towers. The plaintive tune breaks off in mid-stream, to commemorate the famous 13th century trumpeter, who was shot in the throat while sounding the alarm before the Mongol attack on the city. '

Following some research on we went to the The Shisha bar. Best Shisha bar i have ever visited by far. Turkish rugs and cushions everywhere, cavern underground type place AND it served alcohol!!

After this, we moved onto a random bar down a corridor, up some stairs which was full of locals, Really cool place with art etc etc etc. Met some guys who work fro Capgemini who eokained it was International womens day and that was why everyone had flowers. Our new Polish friends subsequently bought me some flowers; I was made up!!!

Following on, we moved to my old favourite/previous haunt Bar Baroque...

Bar Baroque was as good as ever; the only downside being a stuck up DJ who only played Euro dance type music. So home time, or was it?!?

Well, in attempt to go home, we got collared into a night club by a promoter, well at least this is what we believe is to have happened. Neither of us can remember going in or leaving. What we do remember is being in there and me dancing on a bar. ON A BAR. You're 25 Catherine. Too old for such antics. I wasn't alone on said bar, there were other girls on there too. Unfortunately Rob informed me the following day that although yes indeed there were other girls on the bar, they worked there and that was their job....

Hangover from hell and a Ryanair flight to deal with. Bloody brilliant. All in all, good week, work done and dusted and a wicked night out. Met the locals, drank the vodka and had fun!!! Boom.

Lessons Learnt:
1. International Womens Day is celebrated way more abroad; I want flowers every year
2. Don't sing/dance in audit rooms
3. You are too old for dancing on bars

Song of the trip: David Guetta - Titanium

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